Welcome to DarAlbanat



Delivery Policy

The following information details explain the costs and duration of delivery:

Make an order:

When you place an order through Dar Al Banat website, our team of Dar Al Banat will send you an email with the order confirmation, order number and tracking number for your shipment, in addition to all your complete details.

In the event that the data is not completed or you encounter a problem in completing the data, one of the customer service staff will contact the customer to complete the data and complete the implementation of the request.

Delivery time:

– For our customers from inside the State of Kuwait -within 3 working days.

– For our customers in GCC: UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, KSA and Oman – 3-7 working days.

-To our customers in all countries – within 3-15 business days.

– Please make sure to complete the address information and add a valid & correct phone number during ordering to avoid any delays.
